Sunday, August 9, 2020

Know Money, Win Money! Episode One Credit

Know Money, Win Money! Episode One Credit Know Money, Win Money! Episode One: Credit Know Money, Win Money! Episode One: CreditWe here at the OppLoans Financial Sense Blog want to make sure you have more money in your pockets by any means necessary. Normally that means giving you advice about saving money, but starting today, it also means running around on the street and asking you (or people like you) questions about money, and then giving you money if you get them right.It’s called Know Money, Win Money, and it’s our hot new game show. The first episode is all about credit, and you can check it out right here:The first question we asked was pretty simple: What’s the definition of a credit score?Even though most people have some sense of why their credit score is important, they may not totally realize what it is. Simply put, it’s a measure of your “credit-worthiness,” or how good you are at taking on debt and paying it back. Your credit score determines what kind of interest rate you’ll get on your loans, or if you can qualify for a loan at all.Our n ext question asked was what would be considered a “good credit score.”  If you’re wondering, it’s 680 to 719. Anything more than that and you’re golden but anything less than that well, your interest rates aren’t going to be so hot. Or they’ll be too hot. The point is you’ll have high interest rates. Finally, Most people are aware of the FICO company that creates the most common type of credit score. But we wondered if people knew what the companys name actually stands  for?  For the most part, they did not. And we can’t blame them. Few people do! If you’re wondering, it stands for Fair, Isaac, and Company.So we got to give away money, and teach people about credit. Hopefully next time we’ll run into you!What financial topics would you like us to cover in future episodes of Know Money, Win Money? Let us know! You can email us by clicking here or you can find us on Twitter at @OppLoans.

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