Saturday, May 23, 2020

Analysis Of The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost - 803 Words

Poetry And I The poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost relates to my personal life because both the narrator and I had to make a decision. My decision was having to chose between playing volleyball or football in fifth grade. I thought about my previous experiences in both sports. I was a decent player in volleyball and I wanted to get the â€Å"All Sports Award† that our school awards to eighth graders who participated in all of the sports that St. Dominic offers; however, St. Dominic did not offer football, so I needed to play volleyball instead of football to get the award. On the other hand, I played football for four years. Football was very fun for me, but I was not as good as the other kids who were playing football. I tried deciding†¦show more content†¦Some of my decisions may bring me to good places, while others may lead me to bad places. In some of my decisions I might have to give up something I love to go to a place that is uncertain. But I learned from the poem Th e Road Not Taken that you may want to take the path that everyone else is taking, but you should not. The path less traveled is most likely the better path to take. After having read and studied poetry, it has impacted my life by helping me look at things like some literature with a deeper meaning. So when I read a book or a poem, I will not just skim through it. I will look at the literature with close attention detail to find a meaning that can and will impact my life. Another thing poetry does is it allows me to express my feelings with passion and dignity. Since I know how to do that, I am enabled to be a strong, confident person that is willing to take on life. Poetry also helps me see the world in a different point of view. For example, in Harlem I got to better understand the struggle that the African American community. Even though I will never know how hard those times were, it gives me more appreciation for who and what I have in my life. Reading poems also helps me deal with my problems. I have used poetry to help with my problems just recently when I got a bad grade. After I got the test back, I immediately remembered the poem Invictus, and how the narrator still had courage even though many bad thingsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1409 Words   |  6 PagesThe analysis of â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost has been up for debate since the poem release in 1916. It is known to be one of the most frequently misinterpreted poems of all time, and even Robert Frost himself has said the poem is â€Å"tricky† to comprehend (The). When analyzing this poem many readers tend to focus only on the last lines of the poem and get caught in a trap of selective-interpretation. Quite a few people after reading Robert Frost’s poem firmly conclude that this poem is aboutRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost Analysis1475 Words   |  6 PagesThe poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost, is a poem that has many meanings depending on the reader. The poem was published in 1916 and it is a very interesting poem. It’s a fairly short poem consisting of only 20 lines, and it is full of metaphors and imagery and it has many ways that it can be interpreted. The poem’s use of imagery leaves the reader trying to figure out what Frost meant when he wrote the poem. Since it is a poem, it generally has no correct way to interpret it, but it usuallyRead More Analysis of The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Essays860 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost ?The Road Not Taken? (1916) tells of someone faced with two of life?s decisions however only one can be chosen. Whichever road is taken will be final and will determine the direction that their life takes. Frost drives this poem by a calm and collective narrative, spoken by the traveler of the diverged roads. Who is speaking with himself trying to convince himself of which road is the better choice. Frost wrote this poem using standard, modern languageRead MoreAnalysis of The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost Essay921 Words   |  4 PagesThesis Robert Frosts â€Å"The Road Not Taken† is more symbolic of a choice one must make in their life in attempt to foresee the outcome before reaching the end, than it is about choosing the right path in the woods. Describe the literal scene and situation. The literal scene of Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken, is described as a â€Å"yellowed wood† (Arp Johnson, 2009). Use of this description could be that fall is upon the wood or the trees perhaps once white have yellowed with age. Before theRead MoreThe Road Not Taken by Robert Frost: An Analysis811 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Introduction On the surface of it, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost presents a narrator who is remembering a journey through the woods, and the person making this journey came into a position where two roads were diverging. So the challenge presented in the poem is, which road should the narrator take, and why? Frost claimed that his poem was a parody of a poem by his friend, poet Edward Thomas, but others have had very different explanations for The Road NotRead MoreAnalysis Of The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1244 Words   |  5 PagesIn â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost, a traveler discovers a fork in the road, and after thorough examination of both paths in the â€Å"yellow wood† he chooses one to proceed on (1). The speaker intended to save the other road for another day of traveling; however, he knew that his path in life would drift far away, preventing him from ever returning to the other road. When the future arrives, the speaker plans to tell of his travels, an d alter the truth by explaining that the path he chose was lessRead MoreEssay Analysis of The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost854 Words   |  4 PagesIn the Robert Frost poem ‘’The Road Not Taken’’ there is a pervasive and in many ways intrinsic sense of journey throughout. In such, the poem explores an aspect associated with human decision, or indecision, relative to the oxymoron, that choices with the least the difference should bear the most indifference, but realistically, carry the most difficulty. This is conveyed through the use of several pivotal techniques. Where the first such instance is the use of an extended metaphor, where the poemRead MoreAnalysis OfThe Road Not Taken, By Robert Frost1011 Words   |  5 PagesRobert Frost, a renowned American poet, is regarded as one of the most influential and successful poets of the twentieth century. Frost’s popularity is derived most notably from the colloquial, descriptive language he uses in his poems and the impactful themes he portrays throughout them. The popularity of Frost’s poems also emerges from the interest that is sparked by his ability to â€Å"fool† the reader and hide the true meaning behind his words. One of the most acknowledged of Frost’s poems is â€Å"TheRead MoreAnalysis Of Michael Gow Will Be The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1020 Words   |  5 Pagesand spiritual. So, the question is, does self-discovery only work within an individual or can it be influenced by others around us? Morning, teachers and fellow class mates. My prescribed related text to away by Michael gow will be the road not taken by Robert frost. Away explores the concept of self-discovery and transformation through the characters as they change. By encountering a physical journey, it provides the character with new perspective on life and an understanding attitude away fromRead MoreRobert Frost s Writing Style1589 Words   |  7 Pages Robert Frost once said, â€Å"The figure a poem makes. It begins in delight and ends in wisdom... in a clarification of life - not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are founded on, but in a momentary stay against confusion† (Robert Frost Quotes). This same kind of thinking opened the door for metaphorical poetry that helped to show the poets transparency. His love for the social outcast and the struggles of his life are exhibited greatly in his poems. Robert Frost helped

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Candide Or Optimism by Voltaire Free Essay Example, 1000 words

Among all of his creative achievements, Candide remains an insignia of the philosopher s unique technique to exhibit his perfectness in presenting a satire with the enterprising blend of surrealism and romanticism to reach the theme deep into the hearts of the readers. Voltaire s skeptical views of the domineering social structure based on the norms of religious practices provoked his intellect to create satires that challenged the feudal society by as early as 18th century. The presentation strategy he applied in displaying the characterization of a protagonist stands out as an insignia that detaches his work from other pieces of literature of his time. The specifications of satirical questions in the text of Candide are thought provoking. In a context Candide asks, If this is the best of all possible worlds, what are the others? (ch. 6) . It is a challenge on the proclamations of religious heads of the community that always taught the faith beyond the reality of the actual life. The need of enlightenment was seen as the most important tool to reconstruct the social policies of the early 18th century in which human elements of social life were denied to common men. We will write a custom essay sample on Candide Or Optimism by Voltaire or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page The book deals largely with the critical literature to fight back the tactics of the state s adoption of negotiators to eye-wash the public by false promises to the public. Candide says, Pangloss deceived me cruelly when he said that all is for the best in the world(ch. 7) . Voltaire presents Pangloss as the representative of the state to talk for peace among the people in order to subdue the intellectual powers of emerging leaders who questioned the policies of the state. The book is reveals the unacceptable norms of the administrators to impose emotional and intellectual control over the people through the exercise of religious implications and advantages of social condition that denied the rights of individuals during the time till 18th century. Through the book Candide , the author expresses his emotional urge for reacting to the social perspectives of the statesmen during the age of enlightenment. Candide is a mixture of violence, love, competition a nd philosophical arguments in a balanced proportion. It can be considered a total insightful approach of the author about the perils of a man s struggle for achieving the civilized state through the miseries of his actual state of being.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Greatest Good for the Greatest Number Free Essays

Michael Sandel lectures on justice throughout two episodes. Episode 1 Part one â€Å"The Moral Side of the Murder† has three cases that demonstrate how to recognize moral selflessness and cope with consequences. These cases also show us how they move us to act and the opportunities that exist from those actions. We will write a custom essay sample on Greatest Good for the Greatest Number or any similar topic only for you Order Now The moral rightness of these cases can maximize consequentiality moral reasoning and can also locate morality in certain duties and rights which is categorical reasoning. In the first case driving the trolley and killing one worker rather than five is not considered an act of murder according to students from Sandels discussions. The majority expressed consequentialist moral reasoning. As an onlooker on a bridge looking at the trolley, some students would not push a fat man over the bridge to save the five workers, they said that the act would be committing murder; therefore the consequences are complex and categorical. When asked about a surgeon removing five organs from one healthy individual to save the lives of five other individuals, the majority of the students did not agree to be morally correct. In this example the greatest number was compromised because of moral reasoning. Episode 1 Part two, â€Å"The Case for Cannibalism† is a real life story that asks the question if the four survivors of the Mignonette ship were morally justified. Brooks, Dudley, Stevens and Parker had been on a life boat for 19 days. Parker’s decision to drink the salt water put him in a vulnerable position that ended his life by cannibalism to save the rest. By day twenty-four, Brooks, Dudley and Stevens were rescued and arrested. The majority of the students agreed to try them while the minority asked the question to what degree of necessity would exonerate them. It was discussed if the three survivors would benefit the community or be a danger to society for being cannibalistic. The key point by Sandel and the students was that adding consent would make a difference in the trial. Kantian ethics was preferred instead of Bentham’s utilitarianism theory. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill have different proposals on utilitarianism. â€Å"Jeremy Bentham identified good consequences with pleasure, which is measured in terms of intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity, purity, and extent. John Stuart Mill argued that pleasures differ in quality as well as quantity and that the highest good involves the highest quality as well as quantity of pleasure. † There is no agreement on which theories count as consequentiality under this definition therefore skepticism will always exist. Episode 2 Part One â€Å"Putting a Price Tag on Life† was focused on Bentham’s theory of act-utilitarian. Cost benefit analysis was a huge focus on this topic. This analysis involves placing a dollar value to stand for utility. The first case took place in Czech Republic encouraging the citizens to smoke. The company Philip Morris conducted a cost benefit analysis and had the highest gain which included early death from smoking to benefit the government or other people. Decision to smoke was a qualitative risk factor since there was known probabilities. This objection to utilitarianism fails to respect individual and minority rights and is not possible to total a dollar value on human life. Another study that examined placing a dollar value on human life, was done by psychologist Edward Thorndike. He conducted a survey in the 1930’s for the purpose of placing a dollar amount with various scenarios. The choices of living in a farm in Kansas, pulling off a front tooth, cutting off a toe and eating a worm all had a value. The majority favored as the highest pleasure to live in a farm in Kansas. Episode 2 Part Two â€Å"How to Measure Pleasure† discusses the levels of pleasure. The examples of choosing the highest pleasure between Shakespeare, Simpsons or Fear Factor were based on culture and education. Students reasoned that Shakespeare voted the highest because this is presented throughout the school years. But if given a choice between Shakespeare, seasons of the Simpsons as the only pleasure for life, majority ruled I favor of Shakespeare for intellect purposes. The Simpsons for entertaining purposes were voted second and Fear Factor last. To test the highest pleasure, people would have to experience all to pick the very best. John Stuart Mill said that utility is the only standard of morality therefore you must experience both pleasures. The similarities between Episode 1 and 2, was that categorical moral reasoning was preferred. Circumstances dictated those whom decided that the greatest good was for the greatest number. In contrast, more utilitarian and consequential moral reasoning emphasis was found in Episode 1 than in episode 2. The moral of the story that philosopher Bentham suggested was that â€Å"Here in life and in death is a man who adhered to the principals of his philosophy. † References http://www. questia. com/read/1E1-utilitar/utilitarianism http://onbiostatistics. blogspot. com/2010/02/cost-benefit-analysis-put-dollar-value. html How to cite Greatest Good for the Greatest Number, Essay examples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Role of Leadership Styles in Enhancing Organization’s Innovation

Question: Discuss about the Role of Leadership Styles in Enhancing Orgainzation's Innovative Capacity. Answer: Overview Leadership has been evident for as long as individuals have existed and interacted. It is present in every sphere and culture, regardless of its economic, political and social composition. The majority of the leadership studies is carried out in the context of private sector and organizations. But the leadership style practiced in the public sector is just as important, and this has been long recognized by all. There is generally a gap that is observed in the leadership style adopted in Abu Dhabis government sector. And not just Abu Dhabi, the studies of functioning of public sector all over the world have long been overlooked (Koech Namusonge, 2012). The public sectors have been following the rules established long back and hardly any change or innovative practice is being observed here. However, people have now started to realize the importance of the same. The citizens and policymakers of Abu Dhabi generally turn to bigger economies like US, UK etc. to learn about leadership, but studies conducted on the leadership styles in the UAE have suggested that the leadership pattern followed here is just as good and we must be given a chance to demonstrate a leadership style that is consistent with our own culture and national identity. This research proposal has a precise aim of going into the depth of the functioning of Abu Dhabis government sector and analyze the leadership style and structure practiced in the government organizations here. We aim to establish the dependency of the government sectors innovative capacity on the leadership style followed there. This will give us an insight into the working of the Abu Dhabis government sector and with that we will be able to find out ways to make it more adaptive of innovative ideas and hence more efficiently (Chowdhary, 2014). Research questions The Research questions are the statements that allow the research process to be directed in a particular direction. As the report aims to evaluate why the automobile industry faced such crisis and what it has done to deal with the crisis, the following Research Questions could be set for this study: What kind of leadership style is practiced in the government sector of Abu Dhabi? Do the employees of government sector consider the leadership style to be effective? What is the impact of leadership style on the innovative capacity of the organization? Is there any significant change in the leadership style in the Abu Dhabi government sector over the years? How can the leadership style be optimized to maximize employee output and make the government sector more open to innovative practices? As with most research reports, the results generated from this study will be limited to the confines of the case study only. Although the Research report will focus more on the government sector of Abu Dhabi, but at the same time the findings could also help the private sectors of our nation as well as others to effectively study their leadership style and also help the policy makers to draw practical implications and redesign their structure in the way most suitable for them and their employees. Objectives The objectives of this research include: To use a survey questionnaire to find out the leadership style practiced in the Abu Dhabi government sector. To gauge the general sentiment of the employees of government sector employees towards the leadership style being followed. To find out the current sentiment of government sector employees towards innovative practices. To determine through the survey and suggestions offered how the leadership style can be improved and how this sector can be made innovation friendly. Literature review In this section we are going to study the literature published related to our topic of research. We are going to study what leadership is, its relevance and the various leadership styles. We are also going to study the leadership styles being practiced in the government sector of Abu Dhabi and its effect on the employee motivation levels. The leadership style and its role in the sectors innovative capacity will also be studied. Leadership is defined as an individuals ability to influence a group towards realization of a common objective. Leaders are required to motivate their group members to improve their performance and help them motivate towards achieving the desired goals. Leadership is the ability to deal with and cope up with change while focusing on the long term goals and the big picture (Kruse, 2013). It is the ability to take risks and not always take the safe path, but strive to achieve even more. A leader in a team is a person who delegates, influences and motivates others to act so as to achieve specified objectives. He is anyone who has followers and is able to covert the vision of the team into reality. But with changing times, the expectations of a leader are also changing. A leader is not just anyone heading a group of people, he is someone people look up to and the one who empowers the team to achieve not just the bare minimum but make them strive for more (Bass, 2000). The business writer Daniel has categorized different leadership styles. He suggested that all the leadership styles can be explained with the help of a scale as shown in the figure below ranging from autocratic through democratic to participative to showing a degree of authority and decision making power of leaders and employees of the organization. The first leadership style that we study is Autocratic Leadership. It is the kind of leadership where the leader forms and dictates the rules and expects instant obedience form the followers without any argument. This kind of leadership is a directorial leadership and the leader never really becomes a part of the them but merely directs the team from above. The entire decision making power in an autocratic leadership style is with the team leader and an autocratic leader rarely recognize and expects absolute obedience from the team. This leadership is action oriented and is useful for short term goal achievement. Another leadership style is democratic leadership. This is theoretically defined as the best type of leadership. In this type of leadership, the leader does not simply makes the rules, but takes the opinion of each team member of the same. The opinions and taken and once the group reach a consensus, the leader simply validates the decision taken. A leadership style is said t o be participative leadership when the group members take part in the decision making process. The leader asks for the opinions of the members, and they are informed continuously of the decision making process. In this kind of leadership, the members as well as the latter are allowed to debate and discuss and suggest changes to the policies formed from the working of the team (Iqbal, et al., 2015). Nanjundeswaraswamy T. S. and Swamy D. R have studied the different styles of leadership and their effect on the quality of work life. Their research suggests that effective leadership style is necessary to reduce the attrition rate of the organization and is absolutely needed for the achievement of organizational goals in an effective manner. Their research concluded that the leadership style, work satisfaction and organizational commitment are interrelated. They have further classified the leadership styles into transformational and transactional leadership. To understand a little about each of these, a transformational leadership focuses on the development of the individuals as well as their needs. The organizations following transformational leadership concentrate on the developments of the members value system and their growth. As suggested by the name, the aim of transformational leadership is to transform and evolve the organizations members literally. The leader following tran sformational leadership upholds the best interest of the members and encourage them to achieve more. This kind of leadership has recorded high levels of satisfaction in the organization and higher levels of team spirit in the members. On the other hand, a transactional leadership is the one where the followers are expected to meet the specified goals or performance criteria. It can be more simply explained as an exchange of work and rewards between the manager and subordinates. It works on the principle of rules enforcement, contingent rewards and corrective actions (Nanjundeswaraswamy Swamy, 2014). The leaders practicing this form of leadership rely on rewards and punishment in order to drive the individuals to achieve the goals and targets. In their research, Mai Ngoc Khuong and Dang Thuy Hoang have studied the effect of leadership style on the motivation level of the employees. Their research suggested a strong connection between the leadership style practiced in the organization and their motivation level and retention in the organization in the long term. This research indicated that the relation-oriented leadership, charismatic leadership and ethic-based contingent reward leadership were positive contributors in employee motivation levels (Khuong Hoang, 2015). Emirates of Abu Dhabi has seen remarkable progress in the past forty years. This has only been possible due to the impressive and well aligned leadership. The government has made the best possible use of nations available resources and to drive the social and economic developments forward (Government, 2008). The position of Abu Dhabi has changed with the overhaul in its economic landscape and we have emerged as a hub for travel and tourism industry, investment and businesses. In order to attract great talent and resources, Abu Dhabi had opened its economy in the world. This has worked in favor of our nation and we have been able to position ourselves well across the globe and managed to grow our economy sustainable at a great pace. In 2006, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the Executive Council His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan ordered the Abu Dhabi Council for Economic Development, the Department of Planning and General Secretariat of the Executive Council Economy to design a long-term economic vision for the Emirate (Alsowaidi, 2012). This order was given for the ongoing economic success of Abu Dhabi and to deliver upon the vision of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, Ruler of Abu Dhabi. 10 years down the line, the vision has already begun to substantiate and realize and all this has contributed to the exceptional leadership style of the Emirates. The Emirati leadership style focuses on family values, relationships, loyalty and engagement. Various reports have verified that the world has so much to learn from the emirate leadership style and the way we get things done. Researchers have even proclaimed that this leadership style should be thoroughly studied, defined, promoted and taught all over the world due to its high success rate. The government in Abu Dhabi is liberal and openly respectful of the ways of living and cultural differences among the people. This has made it a booming international focal point for both culture and commerce (Mogielnicki, 2014). Research methodology The research methodology is a plan devised and followed closely to get information on the chosen topic along with the detailed outline of the steps through which the required information will be collected, how the data will be gathered and the instruments that will be employed in the process of this research. This section of the research constitutes of the study, research questions, sample population, sample space, instruments for data collection, procedure for data collection and procedure for data analysis (Timothy Okwu, 2011). This research study will be a descriptive study of the answers received by the respondents of the survey carried out among the government employees, yielding qualitative information that will be summarized through statistical analysis. The study will be conducted in Abu Dhabi. The target population for the research will be people working in government sector who are full time employees and who are exposed to management studies and researches of similar fashion. The sample size of the research has been planned to be 500. The questionnaires will be distributed through print and email to the employees. Both primary and secondary sources of data will be used for data collection for the study. Listed below are the primary and secondary data sources that we plan on using. Primary data sources Direct questioning using techniques like personal interview, group discussion and questionnaire will be used to gather the required information. Secondary data sources The secondary published and unpublished data sources like internet articles, research reports, magazines, etc. will be used to collect information about the entire research process. The research involves collecting primary data using a structured questionnaire as a research instrument. A questionnaire is the most widely used data collection instruments. It helps gather information on attitudes, behaviors, opinions, facts, etc. It will comprise of close-ended questions and one open ended question asking for suggestions for improvement. The questionnaire will be designed to collect information on demographics of employees, their state of mind and attitude, the leadership style being followed and their work motivation. The research and analysis method for the research will be both qualitative and quantitative. The data collected through the questionnaire will be arranged and studied according to the requirement of the research. The collected data will be analyzed and processed in the graphs and charts after calculating the percentage (Babatunde, 2015). The inclination towards most favorable responses will be estimated that way. Quantitative methods of data analysis involve working with the collected data on the basis of quantity. Mathematical tools are used to draw conclusions regarding the study performed. We will also use correlation as a tool to calculate the relation between the leadership style and the dependency of the same on the overall work related satisfaction and motivational factors for the employees working in the government sector in Abu Dhabi Outcomes The data collected for the research through the questionnaire will be cross-sectional in nature. It is the most common method in applied and field psychological research. By the end of the data analysis, we hope we are able to gauge the sentiment of the employees towards the leadership style being practiced and how open their workplaces are towards innovation. We will calculate the dependency of the leadership styles on the motivation and satisfaction of the employees with their job. We also aim to gather suggestions to make the leadership styles in government sector better, so that it is more accepting of innovative practices. Timescale The intended duration of this research is one year. This includes the time for designing the questionnaire, collecting the data and processing it to come up with conclusions. The first few months will be taken to study and review the literature. This will include previously published reports and articles on topics related to our research topic. The questionnaire will be prepared and finalized in next 15days. Over a period of 2 months, we intend on collecting the data using the questionnaire in various government offices in Abu Dhabi. And the data will be then processed to draw conclusions and give suggestions to bring improvement in the currently practiced leadership style. References Alsowaidi, N., 2012. Abu Dhabi Competitiveness Report: Improving the Competitiveness of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Available at: Babatunde, O., 2015. The Impact of Leadership Style on Employees Performance in an Organization. Public Policy and Administration Research , 5(1), pp. 1-14. Bass, B., 2000. The Future of Leadership in Learning Organizations. Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies, 7(8), pp. 1-24. Chowdhary, R., 2014. A study on the impact of leadership styles on employee motivation and commitment: an empirical study of selected organizations in corporate sector, Available at: Government, A. D., 2008. The Abu Dhabi: Economic Vision 2030, Available at: Iqbal, N., Anwar, S. Haider, N., 2015. Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Performance. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 5(5), pp. 1-6. Khuong, M. Hoang, D., 2015. The Effects of Leadership Styles on Employee Motivation in Auditing Companies. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, August, 6(4), pp. 1-8. Koech, P. Namusonge, G., 2012. The Effect of Leadership Styles on Organizational Performance at State Corporations. International Journal of Business and Commerce, September, 2(1), pp. 01-12. Kruse, K., 2013. What Is Leadership?, Available at: Mogielnicki, R., 2014. Based on studies in the UAE, the Gulf Leadership Style is an example for leaders worldwide, Professor tells International Management Conference in Oxford, Available at: Nanjundeswaraswamy, T. Swamy, D., 2014. Leadership styles: Advances In Management, Available at: Timothy, O. Okwu, A., 2011. Effects of leadership style on organizational performance: A survey of selected small scale enterprises. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, October, 1(7), pp. 1-12.